Born in Venezuela, Carlos' journey of becoming a pastor began at the age of 10, when he trusted in Christ as his Savior. He moved to South Florida at the age of 13, where he would learn English, serve Jesus, and discover the joy of drinking a café con leche. He met the love of his life, Cassie, during his college years, and is Papi to the undoubtedly cutest and most beautiful toddlers in the known world, Maya & Kara.
Over the past 13 years, Carlos has had the privilege of leading, teaching, and serving Jesus in church plants, large multi-site ministries, and a variety of other contexts. Carlos is a leader with a passion to know God and to help others know Him.
Outside of his role, Carlos loves to spend time with Cassie, Maya, and Kara. He believes soccer is the greatest sport in the world, with baseball coming in at a close second. He enjoys sci-fi and action flicks, and will deny liking romantic comedies, although he always watches them with Cassie. Music is one of his passions, and he enjoys listening to, and serenading his daughters with, their favorite songs.
If you are interested in having Carlos come speak at your church or event, please fill out the contact form.